How To Get a Walk On Scholarship


How To Get a Walk On Scholarship


The day I found out I had been awarded a walk-on scholarship to Penn State University's football team was one of the happiest days of my life. As a lifelong fan, going from watching games from the stands on Saturdays to actually being on the field with my teammates was an incredible feeling. Making it onto a college team as someone who didn't get recruited is possible if you're willing to put in the work and make yourself stand out from other players. Here are some tips for how you can get your own walk-on scholarship:

Contact the coach.

Your first step to getting a walk-on scholarship is to contact the coach and ask him or her if they would like to see your game film. If he/she says yes, then you need to show up at practice with your game film ready for them.

After that, ask him whether he could watch you play during practice or if he wants you to come early for conditioning drills and weight room workouts. You want the coach to see how hard you work outside of just watching film on players because this will help show him what kind of player you can be and how much potential there is in becoming an asset on his team. You should also ask the coach if they would like another look at your game tape again after practice so that they can make sure everything looks good before signing off on giving out any walk-on scholarships.

Do your research and gather as much information about the team as possible.

The first thing you'll want to do is research the team. You should be able to find this information on their website or by searching the internet. Look at their roster and see if they have any open positions that fit your interests. If not, look at the roster again and see if there are any players who play on your position that you might be able to compete with for a spot on the team.

If you're still looking for info about the team, take a look at their history and stats from past years. See how far they've gone in tournaments or championships and what kind of results they had during those seasons (whether good or bad). The more information you gather about them will help give you an idea of whether or not this scholarship would be a good fit for both parties involved—you and them!

Hit the weights.

Many college football coaches are looking for players who are physically fit. If you want to get on the field, you should work out with weights and do other exercises that will help you build strength and muscle.

If you want to get a walk-on scholarship, working out is also important because it can make you faster and more athletic. You will be able to run faster and jump higher if you work out regularly during high school!

Another reason why athletes should go to the weight room is because they tend to get bigger as time goes by. In addition, being in shape gives them an advantage over their peers who do not work out as much or at all - this means they'll have better chances of playing during games!

Finally...working out helps athletes gain scholarships - if they're strong enough then some colleges might give them money towards tuition; this way those players don't have any extra costs while attending school (they still need money though). Plus: being stronger means having better chances at making it onto professional teams later down life's road--so hitting those weights now could pay off big time later down life's road--so hitting those weights now could pay off big time later down life's road--so hitting those weights now could pay off big time later down life's road--so hitting those weights now could pay

Improve your footwork, catching and throwing skills.

If you want to get a walk-on scholarship, you need to improve your footwork, catching and throwing skills.

The trick is that these things can't be taught in the classroom or by just reading about them online. You have to actually do drills and practice regularly if you want to see results.

Here are some examples of drills that will help:

  • Throw balls against a wall as hard as possible until your arm gets tired. Then rest for five minutes and repeat until all three arms are tired out (you will know when this happens because it will feel like an electric shock). When your arms start getting tired, that's when you know they're improving! And don't forget about doing pushups while waiting between throws so that even your chest muscles get some exercise out of this deal too!

Now get out there and start practicing those drills - it'll only take 5-10 minutes of effort per day before we see results on game days next semester (at least according to my calculations).

Film your action and send it to coaches.

  • Using a phone or camera, film your action and send it to coaches.

  • You can also use a drone to film yourself or others performing your sport.

  • You might want to get a higher quality video by using a drone for other sports like football, basketball, baseball and soccer.

You can get a walk-on scholarship if you do the work.

You can get a walk-on scholarship if you do the work.

You can get a walk-on scholarship if you're willing to put in the work.

You can get a walk-on scholarship if you're willing to work hard.


These are just some of the ways to get a walk-on scholarship. If you’re serious about playing college football, go out there and do the work. You never know what might happen!

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