How To Get Scholarship In Turkey

 How To Get Scholarship In Turkey


Turkey is one of the most beautiful countries on Earth. It has a very diverse landscape, with mountains, deserts and forests all within its borders. The people are friendly and welcoming, and they speak Turkish which is a beautiful language to learn. The best thing about Turkey? It’s cheap! You can get by on very little money here compared to other countries around the world which makes it perfect for students looking for scholarships in Turkey or any other country really. There are many things that you need to do before coming here as an international student so make sure you follow these steps:

1. Get your education documents

Get your education documents

Register at the university you want to go to

Get your application documents (to be given by your host university)

Get your passport from the Turkish Embassy in your country or from the nearest Consulate if you are going there directly after applying for your visa, and apply for a visa for Turkey with it at the Turkish Consulate (this is important because if you don't have any document when arriving in Turkey, they will not let you enter).

Apply for insurance which covers accidents during study period in Turkey only as they don't accept any other kind of insurance including health insurance policies covering accidents during study period outside home country/country of residence.. It should cost $15-$20 per month depending on whether or not they give discounts according to age group (if there is no discount then expect it would cost $18-$20 per month).

2. Take a language test

You can take a language test in Turkey or your own country. You can also take it online, or in person. If you prefer to take the test in your own language, that’s a possibility as well.

The Turkish government offers different types of tests depending on what level of proficiency you want to show: beginner, intermediate and advanced levels are available.

3. Apply for your visa

Apply for your visa

You can apply for your visa at the Turkish Consulate or Embassy of Turkey in your country. To get a Schengen Visa, you must submit:

Visa Application Form (applicable to all types of visas)

Application fee (generally 100 USD)

One color passport photo (size 35mm x 45mm). The photos should be taken against white background and in front of light box or window with white curtain behind it

Valid Passport, valid for at least six months from the date of arrival in Turkey. You must have at least two blank pages available inside it as well as a minimum validity period mentioned above on each page, except last page which doesn’t require any validity period mentioned above on it.

4. Prepare for the interview and prepare your clothes

Dress neatly and modestly.

Dress in a way that shows you are serious about your education, confident, and prepared.

Also, dress in a way that shows you are ready for the weather (e.g., if it’s cold outside). This is important because Turkish universities usually take place outdoors or indoors during winter time (December through February).

5. Show yourself off!

Show yourself off!

You can’t just sit back and wait for the scholarship to come to you. You have to put yourself out there and show why you are special, because chances are that there are plenty of other people who could be just as deserving as you just waiting for someone to give them a chance. If anything, showing your potential is more important than having previous experience or qualifications in the field of study.

Many scholarships require applicants who can prove their motivation and passion for their chosen field of study through projects or extracurricular activities they have completed at school or university level such as essays, reports etc… Make sure that when applying for these kinds of programs that your portfolio contains evidence (and copies) of how much work effort has gone into preparing it all before submitting it so they can see how dedicated you really are when it comes down

Get ready to go to Turkey!

Now that you’re accepted, you will have to pass an interview in order to get your scholarship. It is important that you prepare for this as well. Make sure that all information on your CV (Curriculum Vitae) is correct and up-to-date so there are no problems with it during the interview process. Most importantly, show yourself off: You should look great! Wear something nice, make sure your nails are done and don't forget about perfume or cologne if you want to impress the jury members.


I hope that you have found this article helpful, and that it gives you some insight into the process of applying for a scholarship in Turkey. Remember, there are many different types of scholarships available, so if you can't find one that fits your specific needs then keep looking! For me personally, my first choice would be an Erasmus+ grant because I want to study abroad but don't have enough money saved up yet. If that doesn't work out for whatever reason (and believe me when I say there will be so many reasons!), then perhaps something else could come along later on down the road such as private institutes offering grants or even universities themselves providing them too; who knows? Whatever happens though we all need support from somewhere - whether it's family friends colleagues coworkers etcetera - all those people around us who give us strength when times get tough which means nothing can stop us from achieving our goals!

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